Years ago, we read in a Medjugorje book about a special tradition for New Year’s. On pieces of paper, the names of various saints are written, along with a quote from the saint or something about them. Also written is an intention to pray for: examples would be to pray for carpenters, mothers, or those far from Jesus.
The tradition is that you pick a saint from a bag of many names. However, even though you are doing the picking, the saint actually picks you to be with you in a special way that year. They pray for you, and you pray for their intentions.
We do this each year. It is a special tradition that we cherish. I look forward to seeing who I will get each year. This past year I had St. Bernadette, and I've been reading her biography.
Sometimes when I get a saint I have never heard of or know little about, I look at that as an opportunity to learn about a new saint and to get close to him or her.
Children participate in this tradition as well. Sometimes parents will pick for their baby.
You may want to join in this exciting tradition with your family. You can write down the names of saints, say a little prayer, and then go ahead and pick. Put the paper where you will see it throughout the year.
There is even a website where you can digitally pick a name. Click on this link: Saints Name Generator
Happy New Year to you all! We pray that 2025 will be full of blessings for you!
Mother Hen / Mary Ann
Thank you for posting. Getting ready to choose a Saint.