I want to share a miracle that God did for my husband Mike back in April 1995.
Mike was working on a new antenna for the radio station on the Lord's Ranch. The antenna had four 50-foot poles stuck in the ground, which needed to be secured by wire cables anchored in the sand. Mike was dragging a cable when, without realizing it, he got too close to the electric power lines overhead. Like lightning, 13,800 volts of electricity zapped his body.
The force threw Mike to the ground. He was dazed and shaken for some time. He smelled burnt flesh, so he took off his glove and saw a small hole on his third finger. He stayed on the ground in a crouched position for a while. Then, when he felt better, he got up and gradually went back to work, working the rest of the morning.
The electric company sent a lineman out to see why the power had been knocked out. The lineman asked, “What happened?” Mike told him the story and pointed to the high tension line where there was a black mark on it. The lineman looked at Mike in disbelief and horror. Mike showed him his finger. The lineman told him to go right away to the hospital to the burn unit because he probably had internal damage. Mike took his advice and went.
At the hospital, Mike told them what happened, and they whisked him right away into a room and hooked him up to an EKG machine. They kept him overnight for observation. The doctors who examined Mike were all telling him that it was a wonder that he was still alive. One of the nurses in the emergency room told Mike, “God saved your life.”
After extensive tests, Mike was released. He went back to work with no damage except for the little hole in his finger and the exit wounds on his calf.
I still thank God to this day for saving my husband.
A funny note to add here is that for a couple of years back in the early 90s, we were not able to get pregnant. We wanted more children. A few months after this incident, we conceived, and our son, Justin, was born. Then, a couple of years later, at age 42, I delivered our last son, Isaac. Mike and I would joke that Mike just needed a jump start.
God bless you,
Mary Ann / Mother Hen
Love it. Thank you.