This week, we celebrated the Feast of the Presentation. As I meditated on this event in the life of the Holy Family, I had a few thoughts. When I pray, I often ask Jesus to take out my thoughts and give me His thoughts.
I was imagining the hustle and bustle of the temple. People going in and out, sacrifices taking place, animals and people all around.
Then I pictured the young poor couple, Joseph and Mary, with the child Jesus, and carrying two pigeons. They looked like many other couples who came for the presentation of their child that day.
“The glory of the Lord entered the temple by the eastward gate, and the house of God was filled with his splendor.” (cf. Ezekiel 43: 4-5)
God made flesh, the Christ, the Savior of the world, Jesus, entered the temple as a little baby.
Two elderly people recognize him—Simeon and Anna. Simeon holds the child and prophesies. He is so happy at setting eyes on Jesus that he tells God, “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation.”
I picture Anna as an old, tall and lanky woman yet with a holy strength. She recognized who the child was and started to tell all she could. They probably thought she was a little crazy. Her years of prayer were rewarded. I can imagine that she cried tears of joy.
They recognized the Christ Child, Jesus.
The fruit of my meditation was:
Do I recognize Jesus in those I meet each day?
Do I see Jesus in my children, the poor, the sick, the lonely, those in the store, the traffic, the circumstances, etc.?
Do I miss what God is doing in my midst like so many in the temple that day?
Am I spiritually alert like Anna and Simeon to what is going on?
Am I willing to put aside my agenda to follow the Lord's agenda, or do I get frustrated at interruptions?
I am asking Simeon and Anna to pray for me so I can be more aware and alert throughout the day to the Lord's promptings.
God bless,
Mary Ann / Mother Hen
What a beautiful and practical meditation, thank you for posting. I continue to learn from you. Blessings.
Thank you. 🙏❤️